SCAPE - Southwest Colorado Accelerator Program for Entrepreneurs

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Introducing Analytical Technologies, Inc.

Meet Kendall Augustine, President of Analytical Technologies, Inc. a circuit board repair and solar power station manufacturer. As our first Northern New Mexico company in a cohort, we couldn’t be happier to have Kendall’s drive to learn and help others. His most powerful lesson is one we could all be reminded of.

Q: What’s your name, title, business?

A: Kendall Augustine, President, Analytical Technologies Incorporated

Q: What does your business do?

A: We perform Technical Services for the Oil & Gas Industry including circuit board repair, cable manufacturing and onsite technical services. We also perform solar street light sales/installation and manufacture custom charging stations (micro power systems).

Q: Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey.

A: From the moment I made the decision to go into business for myself it took 1 year to open doors. Not because of any obstacles but because I wanted to do everything right and made sure I went to seminars, webinars and spoke with SBDC, SBA, S.C.O.R.E. Pretty much anyone that was willing to help. I was accepted in to the 5 year Incubator program at the Quality Center for Business where I had access to more business resources and this is where I continue to operate for the last 2.5 years.

Q: What was the most powerful lesson you learned on this journey?

A: The most powerful lesson I have learned on this journey is to surround myself with people that have the knowledge and skill that I do not. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger!

Q: Why did you apply for the SCAPE Program?

A: I applied for the SCAPE Program to expand my knowledge in business ownership as well as networking.

Q: What companies inspire you the most (local, national, worldwide)?

A: I worked for a local company call Geomat where I had a very good relationship with the owner, who was also the principal engineer for his company. The owner placed his employees above all and I saw how he handled his business from day to day. I was very impressed and respected how he ran his business placing employees first. This is the company that inspires me.

Q: What do you love most about the Four Corners?

A: I find that the location is great. Hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, 4 wheeling, canyons, mountains. The Four corners area has so many things and places within hours. The weather is perfect compared to other regions where one season dominates the other by a significant amount.