SCAPE Wins Local First Stellar (c)3 Award
SCAPE was honored with the Local First Stellar (c)3 Award - Acknowledging a local non-profit organization that goes above and beyond to serve the community! We share the same values as Local First and are proud to be members of their community and representatives of this award.
We are in awe of our nomination testimonials and feel lucky to have this support. Here’s what they had to say:
Because this fly under the radar organization has done incredible things for the local entrepreneur community! To date, SCAPE has launched 43 companies, created 200 jobs, and raised $27M of local investment - pretty incredible!
SCAPE is providing an entrepreneur curriculum and assistance for local Durango startups. Their network of local business experts is beyond impressive and their passion to help companies succeed is amazing. SCAPE has connections with the State of CO to help local businesses become networked and find new funding. SCAPE is a gem for Durango and local businesses looking to grow!
They help entrepreneurs create good local jobs.
A local economy is based on good, well paying jobs that stay in the community. SCAPE is foundational is growing companies who can add jobs, broaden the economic base and develop the circular economy in Durango. They provide outstanding mentorship opportunities and educational resources, which in turn create companies more likely to succeed and develop into the companies vital to Durango and our region.
The SCAPE nonprofit has made a tremendous impact on our local economy by 1) supporting the success of over 43 local and unique service and product companies and 2) helping create more than 200 well paying jobs since SCAPE started almost 10 years ago. With a staff of 2 people and over 30 volunteer mentors, this organization has put Southwest Colorado and La Plata County specifically on the map with such investment successes as MuniRevs, Impact Fenders, Agile Space Industries and GitPrime. Up and comers include TimberAge Systems and southwest Colorado’s first Rural Jumpstart Company, Cold Case Gear. SCAPE provides intensive mentoring for early stage companies which has resulted in creating and marketing a strong Southwest Colorado brand of entrepreneurship. These services are free to companies accepted into the program.
It is hard to start a company and rural areas have additional challenges such as geographic isolation and access to services. SCAPE is part of our regional ecosystem that just services companies in our region. Those business owners already know the challenges and still want to be here and invest locally.
Scape makes peoples innovative ideas thrive! Look around: you see companies that go from idea to full blown business because of the amazing work this org does: EsoTerra, Solvent, local news network, MuniRevs, GetPrime, and SO many more!! They teach how to get a business started then they help find funding to get the idea off the ground! And the whole dang thing is run by only TWO amazing women!!!!
(I would write a dissertation on why we should all support this group, who supports our community from Silverton to Farmington… but their work speaks for itself)